If you're experiencing issues while booking a Bannatyne Spa experience through our online booking portal, here’s how to resolve the problem:
Check the Details of Your Booking
Ensure the date and time you've selected are accurate and align with the availability displayed.
Review the "What I Need to Know" section for important details and restrictions related to your chosen experience.
Still Experiencing Issues?
If everything seems correct but the booking is not processing, don’t worry. You can contact Bannatyne directly for assistance.
Contact Bannatyne Customer Care
Email customercare@bannatyne.co.uk with the following details:
Your voucher code
The name of your experience
Your preferred date and time
The Bannatyne team will assist you in finalising your booking and ensuring everything is arranged for your relaxing experience.
If you need further support or have additional questions, feel free to reach out to our customer service team for assistance.