If your booking was made via our online booking portal we can contact the property on your behalf to request an amendment or cancellation. Changes are subject to the hotel’s terms and conditions, and we cannot guarantee that the booking can be altered. Additional costs may apply for any amendments, depending on the hotel’s policy.
If your booking was arranged directly with the hotel via phone or email, please get in touch with the hotel directly to request a change. Their contact details should be provided in your confirmation.
Important Information Once a voucher is redeemed and the booking is confirmed the booking is considered final.
We have already paid the property, and all changes or cancellations must comply with their terms and conditions.
While bookings are final, we are committed to supporting our customers.
We will work closely with both you and our experience partners to try and resolve any issues, ensuring the best possible outcome wherever feasible.
If you need further assistance or have any questions, our customer service team is always here to help.